Our Work

Water security and agricultural prosperity

Satyamev Jayate Water Cup

Charged with the dream of a drought-free Maharashtra, from 2016-2019, we hosted the Satyamev Jayate Water Cup. This 45-day competition united drought-stricken villages to work beyond social barriers and conserve water in parched lands.

Over 6,000 villages from 76 blocks participated. Together, they trained in the science of decentralised watershed management and implemented it too. Over 1 lakh villagers offered ‘shramadaan’ daily to build water harvesting structures. Government, NGOs, corporates, students, etc. got involved.

What began as a social experiment became a massive people’s movement for water conservation.


Satyamev Jayate Farmer Cup

To build on the success and impact of the Water Cup, in 2022, Paani Foundation launched a new flagship initiative. Called the ‘Satyamev Jayate Farmer Cup’, this is a competition between farmer collectives to do the best work in sustainable agriculture.

This is a platform through which farmers receive (i) Motivation, (ii) Knowledge and (iii) Strategic Partnership Benefits. Paani Foundation also uses the power of digital to take knowledge to scale, through ‘Digital Farming Schools’.

In 2023, top-performing collectives experienced a 41.4% reduction in per-acre cultivation costs and 79.9% improvement in per-acre profits.